After years without contact, Chief Inspector Felix Voss (Fabian Hinrichs) is surprisingly called one day by his old friend Marcus Borchert (Pirmin Sedlmeir), who is now a pastor. Marcus invites Felix to the Sunday sermon. He wants to reveal something about Antonia Hentschel. Antonia, called Toni, was Felix’s great love during his student days in Berlin. But the sermon doesn’t happen: Marcus is found murdered shortly before. Still at the crime scene, Felix learns that Toni had taken her own life two years earlier. The local police suspect that Marcus’ murder was a robbery. But Felix believes there is a connection between the two deaths. He begins to investigate on the spot, outside of his jurisdiction. Felix meets Toni’s family, who were also invited to Marcus’ sermon. Toni’s father, Johannes Hentschel (André Jung), is a medium-sized industrialist who has turned his family business into one of the most important suppliers to the auto industry in recent decades. Felix questions not only the parents and brothers, but also Toni’s sister Eva (Sina Martens) and thus penetrates deeper and deeper into the abysses of the Hentschel family. He is supported by Paula Ringelhahn (Dagmar Manzel) and Wanda Goldwasser (Eli Wasserscheid).
X Filme Creative Pool commissioned by BR
Stephanie Heckner
Michael Krummenacher
Bernd Lange
Jakob Wiessner
Roman Schwartz
Karim El Morr
Christian Bischoff
Debora Reischmann
Sylvia Risa
Judith Kröher-Falch
Grit Hildenbrand
Petra Scherer
Ina Meredi Arakelian
An Dorthe Braker
Fabian Hinrichs
Dagmar Manzel
Eli Wasserscheid
Stefan Merki
Sina Martens
André Jung
Marita Breuer
Johannes Allmayer
Sebastian Zimmler
Bernd Regenauer
Pirmin Sedlmeir
George Meyer-Goll
Philipp Franck
Adeline Schebesch