Berlin 1940, Jablonskistraße 55. The house community forms a cross-section of the population of the time. A block warden, a hidden Jewess, a former judge, a denunciator, a petty criminal, a Hitler Youth, a letter carrier and the working-class couple Anna and Otto Quangel. Fear in all its facets is the defining emotion of this time. Struck by fate, the Quangel couple decides to do something. In search of justice, they fight Hitler with clear messages on plain postcards. Inspector Escherich comes on their trail, the Gestapo presses for results. The seemingly hopeless common fight against evil lets Otto and Anna find each other again after years of loneliness and will not only therefore not have been in vain in the end… A plea for humanity. The worldwide bestseller by Hans Fallada tells for the first time an authentic story about the question of morality and attitude in a dictatorship. More than 60 years after the novel, which Hans Fallada wrote immediately after World War II, was first published, the book became a worldwide bestseller. Fallada’s tale, based on a true story, was called by Primo Levi “the best book ever written about the German resistance.”
- X Filme Creative Pool
- Master Movies
- FilmWave
- Stefan Arndt
- Uwe Schott
- Marco Pacchioni
- James Schamus
- Paul Trijbits
- Christian Grass
Michael Scheel
Vincent Perez
- Achim von Borries
- Hans Fallada (Based on a novel by)
Christophe Beaucarne
Jean-Vincent Puzos
Nicole Fischnaller
Francois Gédigier
- Emma Thompson
- Brendan Gleeson
- Daniel Brühl