Inspired by true lies, director Dani Levy’s “The Sheik” tells the story of an unprecedented confidence trick: Ringo (Björn Meyer), a simple, loving family man from the Black Forest, reinvents himself as the illegitimate son of a billionaire Arab dynasty. Exclusively from December 22 on Paramount+
Production Company
X Filme Creative Pool commisioned by Paramount+
Produced by
Executive Producers Paramount+
Laura Abril
Susanne Schildknecht
Maria Cervera
Steffen Kottkamp
Co- Producer
Executive Producer
Junior Producer
Viktoria Janssen
Dani Levy & Johannes Naber
Dani Levy
Story by: Dani Levy & Martin Walz
Katharina Bühler, bvk
Carl-F Koschnick, bvk
Johannes Hampel |
Production Design
Olaf Schiefner
Costume Design
Svenja Gassen
Hair and Make-Up
Jekaterina Oertel
Claus Wehlisch
Antje Zynga
Carlotta Kittel
Oli Biehler
Niki Reiser
Björn Meyer Petra Schmidt-Schaller Giuseppe Bonvisutto Ava Hojat Philippe Graber Carol Schuber Max Hopp Bettina Stucky Omar El-Saeidi Sylvester Groth Katharina Heyer Irene Rindje Samia Chancrin Pasquale Aleardi Maximilian Brauer Fabian Krüger Sarah Spale Shadi Hedayati Ueli Jäggi Jeroen Engelsmann Katja Kolm Ingrid Resch Urs Bosshardt Zarina Tadjibaeva Beat Marti Reza Brojerdi Artemis Chalkidou Berit Künnecke Inka Löwendorf Keira Jöhr René Schnoz Urs Bihler Dorin Dragos David A. Hamade |