It is the year 1984 and it is at the end of summer. In the disused dance hall of a once traditional inn on the lake, the innkeeper and farmer Pankraz and his 35-year-old son Semi have just said goodbye to the last guests who had come to the funeral banquet in honor of the deceased wife and mother Theres. Now father and son sit together in enforced fellowship and talk about the past: World War I and II, the Allied occupation, the first tractor, the Cold War, the economic miracle, refugees, student unrest, the family. Everything comes up haltingly and very personally and (for the viewer) visually. Two unknown, smartly dressed gentlemen will accompany them from late afternoon until nightfall as uninvited but insistent cues to her family memories over a period of 70 years.
X Filme Creative Pool Entertainment
- in Co-production with:
- Lucky Bird Pictures
- Arri Media
- X Verleih
Stefan Arndt & Uwe Schott
- Cornelia Ackers & Carlos Gersteinhauser (BR)
- Sophie Seitz (WDR)
- Andreas Schreitmüller (ARTE)
- Monika Lobkowicz (BR / ARTE)
Josef Bierbichler
based on the novel “Mittelreich” by Josef Bierbichler
- Cornelia Ackers & Carlos Gersteinhauser (BR)
- Sophie Seitz (WDR)
- Andreas Schreitmüller (ARTE),
- Monika Lobkowicz (BR / ARTE)
- Lucky Bird Pictures,
- Arri Media,
- X Verleih
Tom Fährmann, BVK
Christof Ebhard
Tschangis Chahrokh
Frank Heidbrink
Josef Sanktjohanser
Katharina Ost
Anette Keiser
Karina Ressler, AEA
Timo Kreuser, Kofelgschroa
Josef Bierbichler
Martina Gedeck
Simon Donatz
Irm Hermann
Sarah Camp
Florian Karlheim