Hai-Alarm am Müggelsee



Bitten off body parts in Lake Müggel seem to indicate a certain security risk while swimming. A shark? Or just a carp? But even more important is the question of the proper crisis management: keep going as ususal? Ban swimming, but in a positive way? Or proclaim shark alert? Blessedly legendary shark hunter Snake Müller is in town, to take care of things…

  • Henry Hübchen
  • Tom Schilling
  • Henry Hübchen
  • Michael Gwisdek
  • Uwe Dag Berlin
  • Anna-Maria Hirsch
  • Benno Fürmann
  • Annika Kuhl
  • Detlev Buck
  • Horst Pinnow

Jana Marsik

Sven Regener & Leander Haußmann

Production design

Theresia Anna Fickus

Costume design

Ute Paffendorf



Production company
  • X Filme Creative Pool
  • Müggelfilm Haußmann und Regener
Year of production